Dust is the Only Secret: Poetry in the Garden with Fan Ogilvie

Dust is the Only Secret: Poetry in the Garden with Fan Ogilvie

Join us for poetry in the Rose Styron Garden! Rose Styron, acclaimed poet, journalist and human rights activist, will introduce Island poet Fan Ogilvie. Fan will share readings from her three book series, Dust is the Only Secret: Assent to Life. In addition, MV Poet Laureate, Claudia Taylor, will share readings of her work. Enjoy an hour of poetry with these three remarkable women in the stunning Lew French designed Rose Styron Garden.

Books will be available for sale in the Museum Store.

MVM Members: $15; Non-Members: $25


Date September 27, 2024
From 4:00 pm
To 5:00 pm
Type Talk
Venue Martha’s Vineyard Museum
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